More Useless Than A Bag of...???

Over at SA from Payrolls were loud?...

Salmo - "I hired 86 people and had few problems. Others said I paid too much, but of the 7 divisions, mine literally "blew everyone away" each and every quarter. I had to bypass HR. I wrote my own employment ads because they kept sending me too many undesirables."

"I paid for the ads out of my own budget, had them sent to a PO box that I set up (so HR wouldn't screen them). There was a precedent. The engineer who hired my brother had gone to HR to complain about the delay hiring a new field tech. HR told him they had no candidates. The engineer pulled my brother's resume out of the waste basket and asked the HR rep. what was wrong with this one? My brother's moved up and has now been working there for the last 21 years."

We Nattered: Had an identical experience.  HR had screened out a senior citizen veteran. Even though he had evidenced his ample job related experience in the service, they didn't bother to read beyond an unchecked box.  Made a call, fished it out of the round file, checked the box.  His HR "matrix" scores blew the rest of the applicants away.

Aricool - "HR doing hiring is pure stupidity. in the tech field, I recall HR was hiring engineers in the early/mid 90s, and was a disaster. So that likely filtered the best talent. do big tech companies still use HR to hire engineers?"

We Nattered: Yes they do.  BTW - re example above, the requirements were specialized. HR were not busy on volume, as those requirements resulted in a total of only 14 applicants over 30 days.

I have heard some say HR are generally "more useless than a bag of d*cks without a handle". A bit harsh and one might imagine HR's rejoinder...
