The Clocks Ticking?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump...  

The climate deniers are at large and in charge.  Following up on Carbon Capture and a Warming Plate?
Ilene - "Do you think part of the problem in connecting the dots – from science to outcome – is lack of imagination? Or lack of interest? Or lack of empathy? Distrust in science/education? Distrust in government? Or a little of all of that? "
The place is here, the time is now, and the journey we are about to take, does not have to be into the shadows.  With empirical observation of the obvious, there is no problem in connecting the dots from science to outcome.  

Many wish that global warming was a passing fancy, crisis du jour, fad or fantasy. Many who will suffer the dire consequences over the next 50 years, will be six feet under when the shit really hits the fan. Does one or should one care? 

Sadly, without an earnest effort to halt and reverse this natural cyclical process, which human industrial intervention (CO2 emissions) has accelerated exponentially, it may already be too late. 

The problem man faces is his own ignorance in worshiping false profits and their divisive agenda, nothing more, nothing less. 

Policy making decisions pander to systemic sponsors, shareholders and constituency. Stemming from an insular electorate which seeks instant gratification at every turn, this short term thinking worships one thing: FALSE PROFITS. - Worshiping False Profits?
As we speak, due to excessive deforestation and a rising global temperature, the freshly melting tundra is releasing additional methane. As the temperature rises further, more methane release and as the water warms, what awaits frozen at the bottom of the oceans could be a nightmare waiting to happen.

This life giving and sustaining planet is a rare gift which must cannot be taken for granted. In order for any meaningful recovery to occur: True ecological equilibrium must be restored by encouraging capital to flow to such investment.

Lacking a timely effort through carbon recapture technologies, the current global condition is only going to become uglier, and eventually very fatal to many species including man.  

A child might pay better attention to the language(s), math and science we have all agreed upon. From the evidence, man's wisdom must walk hand and hand with his idiocy.

Speaking of which, ask NoKo's Little Kim, any dictator, Trump or politician past and present, the tool chest of conquest is not necessarily filled with armies, bombs, explosions and fallout. 

The most potent weapons of oppression are thoughts, attitudes and prejudices spawned of the root evil ignorance, and all of which can only be found in the minds of men.

Time is the threat, exhaustion, pap, socio-economic ruin and extinction the inevitable consequence. The temporary tenants known as man, must stop treating ecological and environmental policy making like passing fads.

The clocks ticking on the talking monkeys, and the consequences of their actions and inaction has a fallout all of its own for the children, and the children yet unborn. 

And the pity of it is, those consequences and the end game for their species cannot be confined to hyperbole, fantasy and imagination.
