Morally Reprehensible?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 

On August 25th; Category 4 Hurricane Harvey made landfall near Rockport, Texas, at peak intensity. 

Mexico immediately offered food, generators and medical aid “as good neighbors should always do in trying times.” 

Here is what the US and Mexico awoke to that AM...

But that just wasn't enough...
Mexico's offer of Harvey aid came hours after Trump attacked the country on Twitter, calling it “one of the highest crime nations in the world” and claiming, once again, that Mexico will pay for a border wall. He also threatened to “terminate” NAFTA. 

The United States took more than a week to respond to Mexico's formal offer of aid, and said that only “certain logistical aid” was needed.

On Sept 7th, Chiapas and Oaxaca were struck by an 8.1 earthquake in the Gulf of Tehuantepec off the southern coast of Mexico, approximately 87 kilometres (54 mi) south of Pijijiapan.

It took President Donald Trump one long week to reach out to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto to offer the most basic of condolences after tweeting a laughable excuse for his diplomatic blunder.

On Sept 19th, 14:14 EST Mexico City was hit with a 7.1 earthquake. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 7.1 quake was centered near the Puebla state town of Raboso, about 76 miles (123 kilometers) southeast of Mexico City.

After the latest earthquake had shaken Mexico City, Trump found the time and energy to pick up his phone and write a short tweet asking God to bless Mexico City, note the time of day, 21:30 EST.

FLOTUS finally broke her silence as well... note the time of day, 22:30 EST.
Trump spoke with Peña Nieto “to extend his condolences for the lives lost and damage caused by yesterday’s earthquake in central Mexico,” the White House said in a statement. “The president offered assistance and search-and-rescue teams, which are being deployed now. The president also pledged to continue close coordination with Mexico as the two countries respond to the recent earthquakes and hurricanes.

A quick review: At the end of the day:

  1. Post Harvey, one week to respond to Mexico's offer of aid.
  2. Post Chiapas, one week to tweet a lame excuse for not responding immediately.
  3. Post Mexico City, seven hours for POTUS to tweet condolences.
  4. Post Mexico City, eight hours for FLOTUS to tweet condolences.
At the end of the day, A little slow on the draw? Asleep at the wheel? Better late than never? or morally reprehensible behavior? Things never used to be this way? I don't know but I'll tell ya and Out.

Sources: WaPoChiTrib and Politico
