Birtherism: Lofty Ideals?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump...  

After years of unfounded and unproven birther or birtherism claims, it is quite obvious that POTUS 44 Barrack Obama, was not born in Kenya. 

Yet, we are constantly treated to click bait fake news, not worthy of super market tabloid status such as this...
Obama had a slip of the tongue during a speech in Kogelo, Kenya last week.
“Now, three years ago, I visited Kenya as the first sitting American President to come from Kenya,” he said. 
There was a pause and then loud cheers and applause from the crowd after he made his remark at the 5:49 mark of the 15-minute speech. Obama didn’t skip a beat, and he didn’t take back the comment. 
He didn’t say he made a mistake, and he didn’t joke about what he said. He seemed to be on the up and up about it. Was he speaking the truth? From the heart?  

Above, in said video at 1:06 Obama clearly states...
"to describe for you the 1st time I came here (to Kenya) I was 27 years old (1987)"  
Translated for those who choose to be mentally impaired: POTUS 44 was not born in Kenya. 

Alas, much like Flat Earth or Ptolemaic theory, complete blind assumption and misinterpretation is not enough for those practicing Birtherism...
Let’s go back to last year. In 2017, Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, tweeted an image of what appears to be Barack’s birth certificate. Except it’s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya.
This tripe is now replete with reference to a debunked forgery from an Ebay auction in 2009? How demonstrative of a flat line EEG is this? But I digress... Moving West it gets better....

To interpret Mr. Obama's remark at 5:49:
“Three years ago, I visited Kenya as the first sitting American president to come from Kenya.” 
as denoting birth rather than lineage, is idiotic and running a fools errand. 

Unfortunately for the rest of us, many in the electorate and otherwise, seem to have become most adept at running those errands on a regular basis.  

Is it indeed a lofty ideal we are moving towards?

Stay tuned, no flippin, more to come in Birtherism: Final Destination?
