Money For Nothing?

Carrying on from Get Over It?
See how easy it is to make money in America – we just make everyone rich on a weekly basis – what could possibly go wrong?  This is all, of course, RIDICULOUS as money isn't supposed to appear out of thin air... - P

Ex nihilo, the manna from heaven that the central and commercial banks live for or Money For Nothing?
Interest rates are prices and prices convey information and distorted prices convey misinformation - Grant
Interest rates are the price of loan funds. When that price is distorted to ZIRP it means one thing, demand for loan funds is like the price, very very low.  

Further,  current economic conditions and future expectations are much like the price, very very low and in the case of NIRP, negative.  For further elaboration, see Rates and Economic Decline? and What is Money?
I will cheer none the less if it brings death and destruction to the money changers! - Muck
And he flipped over the tables and destroyed the marketplace in the temple, where the money changers were double ending every deal and said...
Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations'? But you have made it a den of robbers. - JC
All we have to say is this and Out.
