Which Country Is Trump Talking About?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump...

People are spending more than what they are gaining in wages – irrational exuberance?  Anyone think its the days of wine and roses?  

Next time somebody says look at all the credit debt, house hold ratios look good, that's a confident consumer, just ask them what about real wages and the savings rate? and how will that debt be serviced in a rising rate environment? 

Moment of Zen... all the ass clowns whose credit ratings just passed the seven year reset, are already back to their old bad habits, racking up big debt for another go round. 

All those zero rate balance transfer teasers do have a term date. Reflect upon that for a moment. 

News of the Future: By the time POTUS #45 is done, deficits balloon, rates and debt service increase, markets and the dollar collapse? Mexico and Canada both pay to build walls, to keep fleeing Americans out?

More News of the Future... POTUS #45 says by 2020 we will be living in a country with full employment and an expanding economy.  Sounds great, I wonder which country he's talking about? 

Speaking of prescient from 1968, and now this...


Could this just be starting?

As Dan Rowan said, that's future news and I didn't promise you a rose garden. 

Recommended reading: For most U.S. workers, real wages have barely budged in decades.
