Talking Down To The Janitor?

Many people experience success and then forget about the people that helped them get there.

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 

Following up on Man In The Tin Foil Hat? Regardless of your political leanings, whether you're blue, red, or just fed up with politicians, the MSM and their BS...

Watch this inspirational story where a husband realizes his wife was the hidden force behind his success.

Someone may get a certain job position, have a certain amount of money or build up a certain status and then all of sudden forgot where they came from. 

What’s important to remember, is behind every successful person is someone by their side who has experienced every defeat, felt the suffering, experienced the struggle, known the loss, and still found the strength to stick around.

Don’t forget that person who helped you get there, because if you don’t appreciate that person they may not be around tomorrow. And you may just find out that they’re a much bigger part of your success than you even realize. 
