$8.8 Billion Iraq Reconstruction Funds Missing

This is old news, but worthy.

The BBC's File On 4 programme has learnt that out of over $20bn raised in oil revenues during US-led rule, the use of $8.8bn is unaccounted for.

The Inpector General said Coalition Provisional Authority disbursed more than nine (b) billion dollars in Iraq without the proper financial controls. Contractors told Congress most, if not all, contracts were paid with gunny sacks full of greenbacks.

Stuart W. Bowen, Jr., who served as the CPA Inspector General since January 20, 2004, continues as the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. He reports to both the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State for supervision. He had previously reported to the Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority.

Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, is the Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority

See: BBC
See: Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
See: Eyewitness News FOX
