$70 Oil = $3 per gallon = Good 4 Me?

Anecdotal effect of $70 oil and $3 gallon petrol: Today, my wife was going to go shopping with a friend at Kohl's, distance to nearest Kohl's 70 miles.

The friend had a scheduled business trip to the area, therefore "work" would have paid for the 140 miles worth of fuel. The girls were chomping at the bit in anticipation, with credit cards in hand, I might add.

Said customer appointment was cancelled, therefore my wifes friend cancelled the trip. Reason? "I can't afford to pay for the gasoline, just to go shopping."

Oh well, theres always a silver lining in those dark clouds.... Too bad for Kohl's, the credit card company, and the girls, but a lesser credit card bill is good 4 me.

A passing thought, using substitution, much like hedonic adjustments to the CPI, perhaps the girls could have gone shopping locally.

I also heard through my auto insurance agent that some people are buying smaller older beater cars that give better MPG for the commute, rather than dumping their newer gas guzzling urban assault vehicles.

In addition, some people are changing jobs, switching to an employer closer to home, even if the pay is somewhat less, they come out ahead due to the reduced commute costs.

Once again, looking for the silver lining, these trends might reduce commute induced stress level's and help smaller local merchants or business, rather than the WalMarts of the world, and still keep a few extra bucks in my pocket.
