Market Soapbox 05/26/06

Resistance: DJIA 11775; SP500 1335; Nasdaq 2380; NDX 1750
Support: DJIA 10850; SP500 1250; Nasdaq 2150; NDX 1550

In our top story tonight, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is STILL dead.

Bonds UP with the 30 yr yield falling @ 5.15%; 10 yr @ 5.07; 5 yr @ 4.98; 2yr @ 4.95`; 6 mo @ 5.00. 2yr above 10 yr 12/27 - 03/07 & 03/20 - 3/29. 2yr above 30 yr 02/09 - 03/07 & 03/21 - 3/29.

MON, DJIA a deceiving -19 on another broadbased selloff with Hindenburg like internals on lower volume. The good news?? bouncing up into the close from over 70 points down.

TUE, mirror image of MON, DJIA up over 70, then pffffttttt into the close DJIA -27 on steady volume with semi ugly internals.

WEN, a choppy day with a late surge DJIA +19 on higher volume with ugly internals.

THU, a broadbased bounce spiking into the close, DJIA +94 on low volume with decent internals.

FRI, broadbased followthrough, DJIA +68 on lite 3 day weekend volume with decent internals. This week DJIA +135, since 09/19/05 DJIA +648.

Indexes UP: Everything nicely DOWN: None

Sectors UP: Everything nicely DOWN: None

Overseas: DAX , CAC, FTSE, Hang Seng & Nikkei 225 all UP nicely.

Dollar UP vs. Euro 1.2751 & vs. Yen 112.26, XAU & gold UP @ 654.20, XOI & crude UP @ 71.37, CRB commodities index UP @ 347.82. Market Observations in todays other post.

Keep it tween da ditches, we take it day by day and keep our eyes peeled to the sky, because it could be a name brand that pancakes us. Just my opinion, I could be wrong, this is The Nattering Naybob and your NOT!!!
