Foreign Pick Pockets Leave US McJobs

Jim Jubak at MSN Money has an excellent missive on a subject very dear to our heart...

how the disintegration of our durable economic base for corporate profit has led to our untenable McJob's economy nightmare...

Other countries are
picking our pockets for decent paying jobs, and leaving US with the crumbs (McJobs).

Key excerpts follow:

emerging economies i.e. China, India, Saudi Arabia) seem to have a strategy for climbing the technology ladder and adding more value to the products they produce.

I don't see anyone at the table thinking about how to do that back in the United States...

there is a striking lack of creativity in the U.S. response to the new global economy...

(our lack of creativity & strategy) bodes ill for the developed world in a century where the scarcest resource is likely to be not energy or food but jobs.

"All the so-called developed world faces the same challenges:

How to create jobs at home when cheap wages are pulling them overseas,

and how to rev up the technology machine that makes the difference between a future of $7-an-hour jobs and $20 jobs?
