Bumbling Bees, Pathogens & Genetically Altered Crops

We have gone on record with our explanation of the mysterious disappearance of the bees here and here.

A complimentary explanation resulting from a new study...

the researchers examined bees at four Ontario sites near commercial greenhouses to see whether a parasite common in managed bumblebees was unusually prevalent in the wild population.

The parasite robs bees of their ability to distinguish between flowers that contain nectar and those that don't.

For commercial bees fed by their owners, that skill isn't important. For wild bees, its absence is deadly.

Infected bees make an incredible number of mistakes. They visit empty flowers again and again as they slowly starve to death.

The study found that up to half the wild bees near greenhouses were infected with the pathogen, while no bees were infected far from greenhouses.

The research model predicts that, over time, diseases transmitted from commercial bees will lead to widespread epidemics among wild bees.

Hattip to Bloomberg.

The Nattering One muses... in all likelyhood genetically altered crops being grown in the greenhouses...

introduce a pathogen resulting in lowered bee immuno defenses, allowing the parasites to run rampant.

Once again, a smoking gun pointing directly at genetically modified crops being the culprit.
