Rupert Nation = Ruin Nation; Part II
A follow up on last weeks rant... Bagdad by the Bay has got it right...
The Nattering One muses... every single Water Reclamation or SEWAGE Plant in the US should be renamed...
after the sorriest sack of shit to ever occupy the oval office... remember, from last week? The smell of shit is the smell of victory.
Totally apropro considering it will take decades to clean up the stinkin shit pile these neo con fascist republicans and
the mentally handicapped, i.e. those who voted for Shrub Jr. have left this country sitting in.
(My sincere apologies to those who are actually designated as mentally handicapped, no insult is intended.)
I find myself totally disgusted with the "choices" we are offered in the Presidential election, we are screwed no matter what.
The party line with Republicans who are fearful of a "black hat" in the oval office is: "Yeah, Don't Worry, Obama is going to fix it all."
Excuse me, but eight years of Republican rule has gotten us in the world of hurt we are in today.
Therefore, I will vote for anyone except a Republican, because NO ONE could screw things up any worse than Shrub Jr...
except the real POW Manchurian Candidate who managed NOT to beat Bush in the 2000 primaries, Old Man McInsane.
And from what we have seen so far, the only intelligent thing McLame has done is not making a commitment to religion (invisible men in the sky).
Don't worry, he'll screw that up by nominating Mitt Romney to get the flippin "faith based" religious zagnut vote.
Aside from that when McCain opens his mouth, he makes the stuttering "born again" alcholic and stammering coke head...
and muse of malaprop's Shrub Jr. (who makes a gorilla in a suit look smart) actually sound intelligent.
Ron Paul and the other candidates, a waste of a vote? Perhaps a vote that could help defeat the Republicans that is.
The more I listen to Ron Paul, the more I like what he has to say, because he speaks the truth and that's why the House has censored him.
Pathetic indeed, thanks alot for the worst screwing in history you jackass (camouflaged to look like a Democrat) Republicans.
So I am forced to vote for the smooth talkin, smokin Mac Daddy (he smokes, has used an Apple computer and fathered at least one child)...
from the south side of Chicago (also home of Leroy Brown) who some think bares an eerie resemblance to a Joe Camel cartoon?

If he was on the ballot... I would vote for Hellboy, oh thats right,
we're already getting rid of two demons from hell.... (Shrub Jr. & Cheney) I digress...
The Nattering One muses... every single Water Reclamation or SEWAGE Plant in the US should be renamed...
after the sorriest sack of shit to ever occupy the oval office... remember, from last week? The smell of shit is the smell of victory.
Totally apropro considering it will take decades to clean up the stinkin shit pile these neo con fascist republicans and
the mentally handicapped, i.e. those who voted for Shrub Jr. have left this country sitting in.
(My sincere apologies to those who are actually designated as mentally handicapped, no insult is intended.)
I find myself totally disgusted with the "choices" we are offered in the Presidential election, we are screwed no matter what.
The party line with Republicans who are fearful of a "black hat" in the oval office is: "Yeah, Don't Worry, Obama is going to fix it all."
Excuse me, but eight years of Republican rule has gotten us in the world of hurt we are in today.
Therefore, I will vote for anyone except a Republican, because NO ONE could screw things up any worse than Shrub Jr...
except the real POW Manchurian Candidate who managed NOT to beat Bush in the 2000 primaries, Old Man McInsane.
And from what we have seen so far, the only intelligent thing McLame has done is not making a commitment to religion (invisible men in the sky).
Don't worry, he'll screw that up by nominating Mitt Romney to get the flippin "faith based" religious zagnut vote.
Aside from that when McCain opens his mouth, he makes the stuttering "born again" alcholic and stammering coke head...
and muse of malaprop's Shrub Jr. (who makes a gorilla in a suit look smart) actually sound intelligent.
Ron Paul and the other candidates, a waste of a vote? Perhaps a vote that could help defeat the Republicans that is.
The more I listen to Ron Paul, the more I like what he has to say, because he speaks the truth and that's why the House has censored him.
Pathetic indeed, thanks alot for the worst screwing in history you jackass (camouflaged to look like a Democrat) Republicans.
So I am forced to vote for the smooth talkin, smokin Mac Daddy (he smokes, has used an Apple computer and fathered at least one child)...
from the south side of Chicago (also home of Leroy Brown) who some think bares an eerie resemblance to a Joe Camel cartoon?

If he was on the ballot... I would vote for Hellboy, oh thats right,
we're already getting rid of two demons from hell.... (Shrub Jr. & Cheney) I digress...