Rupert Nation = Ruin Nation

Received a cut and paste email from a Naybob...

The Investor's Business Daily editorial board ask,

'What would happen if the U.S. won a war but the media didn't tell the American public?

London's Sunday Times called it 'the culmination of one of the most spectacular victories of the war on terror.'

From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee,

he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate.

John McCain has 26 years in Congress, 22 years of military service including 1,966 days in captivity as a POW.

The cut and paste email goes on to expound on taxes under Clinton vs Bush and how democrats will return us to higher taxes;

the cost of the Iraq war vs Welfare programs and the cost of illegal immigration;

and since the 2006 election of a Democratically controlled Congress;

how bad things have gotten and how the blame should be placed on this Senate for the state of the union.

"Remember its Congress that makes the law, not the President."

The final cut is an electile dysfunction cartoon claiming the inability to become aroused by any of the choices for President put forth by either party...

with a comment that we should all register as independents and move forward...

The Nattering One muses... Not so fast Joe... or Rupert should I say...

Prior to Shrub Jr's 3 years as Texas governor, total public service time ZERO;

prior to which he ran a baseball team into last place; ran an oil company that lost money and couldn't find any oil, in Texas no less....

the inexperienced Shrub Jr. was then elected by the Republican retards over their own MCCAIN in 1999 and then

elected by the middle American religious retards over GORE, who at the time had over 26 years of public service...

So, that 143 day crap on Barack, wont play, sorry Rupert... speaking of which...

Re the London Times.. which aside from the IBT was the only paper to run the glorious VICTORY IN IRAQ story...

The Times and its sister paper The Sunday Times are published by Times Newspapers Limited, a subsidiary of News International.

News International is entirely owned by the News Corporation group, headed by Rupert Murdoch.

Again, sorry Rupert! this Republican Neo Con Right Wing Religious tripe being passed off as INDEPENDENT material, won't fly.

The truth is, there is no victory and therefore no story. Your London Sunday Times has been reduced to the National Enquirer equivalent.

My antipathy for the neo con generation of Republicans is understated...

Uncle Ronnie started this countries downhill slide by busting unions and we have now seen 20 years of Republican RUINATION or RUIN NATION.

Really the childish crap Republicans pass amongst each other, it borders on idiotic.

The Republican track record for the last eight years speaks volumes.

In the last 28 years, this party with its neo con and religious idiots have run the greatest nation in the world, into absolute ruin.

The Republican party is no longer the Republican's party, their candidates are worthless, their politics are a sophomoric joke.

Even if Republicans register as independents or claim they are turning over a new leaf, they cannot hide their stripes.

And just because a tiger changes stripes, doesn't mean the tiger changes.

The Republican's are the party of FOX network and Rupert Murdoch. So Rupert, here is some sound advice:

Do not attempt to camouflage your Republican's as anything else for their wisdom walks hand and hand with their idiocy, and they are easy to spot.

Do not practice idolatry, for it is only the weak and feeble minded that do so.

Praying to invisible men in the sky is a sure fire sign you have:

lost your free will, ability to reason and think for yourself, and abdicated control over your own destiny.

Want proof? have your religious idiots go pray and make mystical signs with one hand to whatever non existent god or totem poll they choose...

In fact, pray for victory over the people who worship another deity in Iraq, then shit in the other hand, and see what it gets you first.

Do you smell that? It's shit son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of shit in the morning...

the smell, y'know that ass and gas smell, that whole hell, smells like Victory.


Anonymous said…
The Republican party is no longer the Republican's party, their candidates are worthless, their politics are a sophomoric joke.

Truer words never written. The only hope for the Party is that the November disaster shatters the truce, and we have out the civil war with the neocons. There is no one I know in my generation (I'm 30) who is (a) Republican (b) if Republican, voting for McCain (c) if conservative and/or a traditionalist Christian who likes the "War on Terror" and all its lovely accouterments: torture, repeal of habeas corpus, Guantanamo, secret wiretapping.

This doesn't include the passionate followers of Ron Paul, the related libertarian faction, some of the Wall Street crowd (none of my former colleagues at the bank identify themselves are Republicans anymore) and on and on. McCain himself is an admirable man, a true war hero, but the Party has been taken over and run into the ground, along with the country, by ideological morons.

Definition of a moron: someone who can never admit they are wrong because they are never wrong.