The World's Largest Casino

For years we have maintained that the equities markets are nothing more than a legalized on-line casino and a corporate ponzi scheme...

Seems we are no longer alone... from Jonathan Weils latest...

The fleecing knows no end. The government is picking winners and losers. Instead of just a couple giant government-sponsored enterprises, now we have dozens.

With so many beggars in Zegna suits lobbying for handouts, it's easy to see why lots of Americans are aghast at what our country has become.

Many of the companies receiving bailout treasure will get washed out to sea in the end.

When we look back on the money showered upon them, we will wish we had saved it, if for no other reason than to preserve the Treasury's own AAA-credit rating.

It's long been cliche to say the securities markets are a giant casino. This notion hasn't been explored enough.

Aside from the free drinks, the only reason a rational person would play a slot machine in Las Vegas,

aware that the house controls the outcome, is because of the mindless entertainment it promises.

For ordinary folks with money to burn, this might be the last, best reason to invest in the U.S. capital markets, too.

Good luck
