The Trigger?

Stanley G comments: The Trigger to start the almighty upheaval?? If you will sir?

To my mind Oil might be the fire starter:

1. Oil looks the most promising, most visible, nearest approaching and most difficult to prevent trigger. (baring a kinetic war between large oil producing countries locking up or destroying supply)

2. Grexit???

3. China, could be a long way off. It's so opaque.

But please sir. Your trigger and time frame?

My response: Thanks for the question...

As for dates, barring a refi, Feb 28 is the cut off for Grexit... subsequently Grexit has been extended four months.

Perhaps you may find a seemingly pertinent date here as in March 17-18.... ISN'T THAT SOON? The Fed meeting is the 17th, the announcement is the 18th.  Could be the word "patient" is taken out of the verbiage? Still no raises until at least June 2015.

Could be any, all or none of the above.

If I had a crystal ball... oh, but I like most, don't, hence...

The lengthy multi part missive in which many indicators of market liquidity and flow and their relationships were pointed out, which the reader can readily avail themselves of. Please do.

"So keep your eyes to the sky, it could be a brand name, and

remember all things considered, you really can't complain...."
- Stan Ridgway Can't Complain
