And PIGS Can Fly

The Nattering One muses...

PIIGS - Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain

How are things going in Euroland these days?  Cyrus, Greece, Portugal and Spain already sunk to the bottom of the tank.  Italy and France  are neck deep and taking a last gasp. The rest are waist or chest deep.  In Italy, 35% commercial and 15% of the residential is boarded up and under bank lock down. 

How bad is it?  Real unemployment is conservatively 30% and even gasoline stations are vacant and boarded up. Very reminiscent of 2008-present day Florida, like an economic neutron bomb just took em all out at once... worse yet, the Italians have given up hope as there's a massive "diaspora" or brain/capital drain going on.

The Brain Drain

The UK has overtaken Germany as the most favoured country for emigration, with nearly 13,000 Italians arriving last year in search of jobs and fresh opportunities. A total of more than 94,000 Italians moved abroad in 2013, with Germany, Switzerland and France the most popular destinations after the UK.  That was a 16 per cent increase on 2012, when 79,000 Italians moved abroad,

The brain drain involves many of the country's youngest and most energetic nationals – more than a third of those who left Italy were aged between 18 and 34, said the 530-page report, Italians in the World 2014. That is the age group that has been worst affected by Italy's dire rates of unemployment, suffering from a jobless rate of more than 40 per cent.

Fly My Pretties Fly!

“PIGS here” - a warning that Britons should be more concerned about an “invasion” from southern Europe rather than eastern. In October 2013, youth unemployment in Italy hit a record high of 41.2 percent.  Young Italians regard their country as incapable of making major reforms.  They pointed to high taxes and a chronic "lack of meritocracy" as reasons to pack their bags and leave.  The registered population of Italians living in London is 220,000, but officials believe the true figure may be closer to half a million.
