No Time Left For You

From Pater Tenebarum"the capital structure has been damaged. Actors in the economy need to be given the opportunity to so to speak "repair" it again - this invariably means that it must be shortened, as its previous, artificially induced lengthening can no longer be sustained. Then the economy is in "recession", but this is really a healing process. It takes time to heal."

The Nattering One muses... Absolutely spot on. Due to the copious bail outs (unnatural artificial guvmint ingredients), the natural process of failure, destruction and rebirth (letting nature and the markets take a natural course), never occurred.  The patient (our economy) is still prone on the table and permanently hooked to a respirator.  Until someone with no industry agenda pulls the plug, and say's no time left for you, and lets what will happen, happen, there can be no meaningful economic recovery.  More to come.
