There's a STEM Shortage?

Continuing from Friggin in the Riggin... more comments from Mercenary Trader's missive....

Tin Lizzy,

"My impression is that there is a shortage of engineers.... If you disagree, could you cite some sources? I would follow up on it."

We Natter...

Liz a little late to the game, but better than never... your impression is based upon a very big lie being told many times over many decades. Many have fallen victim to the media narrative portrayed through a massive mis - and dis - information front that the greedy Silly-con Valley types have put up, claiming a STEM labor shortage and portraying the H-1Bs visa imports as engineering geniuses for the last 20 years.  If you believe half of what you hear on the radio, see on the TV and read in the media, who could blame you? Goebell's would be proud of these master propagandists.

Norm Matloff and I have been waging this war since the mid 90's. More so he than I.  Norm is a stat professor at UC Davis and with my background, we are well versed and know full well the methods of chicanery utilized by the corporate cannibals, their lobbyists, industry mouthpieces ITAA, IES, the BLS and other agencies to give the illusion or appearance of a "shortage".

Both Norm and I have been smeared by the industry propagandists as Xenophobes and anti immigration. Those who know us and the facts, know this allegation to be a complete fabrication and falsehood. As we have gone on record in many venues and forums over the years, I no longer quote any statistics which have already been amply oversupplied.  In their schooling process, I leave it to inquiring minds to ferret that end out and avail themselves to the truth, which is out there.

To be clear, there never has been, nor is there, any STEM shortage here in the US.  The only "elephant in the room" is the indisputable AGE issue as perpetrated by corporate America's "best" hiring practices and their treacherous acts of legalized discrimination and wage suppression.

This is what is truly at the core of the H1-B visa issue, the big lie aka STEM shortage and the dispossession of millions of decent paying jobs from qualified and needing (currently unemployed longer than 24 months and no longer counted in the stats) US citizens.

Many would and have called this situation an affront to the American worker, educational system and a brazen act of treason perpetrated in the open, by corporate turncoats who care ONLY about their bottom line, and their paid prostitutes operating on their behalf in our legislative, executive and judicial branches.

Please go to Professor Norm Matloff's blog, click on home and read up on the many posts regarding this issue.  Here are two recent samples to draw on here and here.

Also please read this prescient published op-ed, penned 17 years ago in 1998, which accurately predicted the future, as in today being spot on.

And remember... Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics.

As Sgt. Phil Esterhaus always said...
