Bruce Jenner and The Enlightened Collective

On Zoltan Ban's, The Failure of Globalization, we Nattered - "In world awash in overcapacity, rather than finding ways to allocate resources where they are truly needed... we have misallocated resources to the production of crap nobody really needs."

 A Fellow Traveler commented: "The concerns you raise are valid but if we're to have individual freedom and liberty you will always have varying opinions as to what is crap and what is really needed. The alternative is to have an all powerful "Dear Leader" who would be enlightened in your judgment, or to have an enlightened populace but we haven't achieved that so far nor are we likely to."

The Nattering One muses...

I was going to take the day off and be a vegemite, so much for that, now I have to think, a little, thanks...

"if we're to have individual freedom and liberty" That would imply making real "choices" which as the track record indicates, the "unenlightened" collective is incapable of.  

"If we're to have" is the key here and well, no your not. In order to maintain control, true "freedom and liberty" have been taken off the table and John Q. Public was left off the cc on the memo.  

So there is only the illusory perception as such, i.e. "democracy" and "home ownership". The real choices have been and are being made for the "unenlightened" collective and "uncleansed" masses.

"alternative is to have an all powerful "Dear Leader" who would be enlightened in your judgment

Refer to the above... no "dear leader", only the surrogates that we "willingly" show deference to in surrendering the rights that our forefathers valiantly fought and died for, apparently in vain.

The "surrogates" we have entrusted, defaulted and deferred to, to make those "choices" have been in place for ages, apparently not so enlightened but still, all powerful.

"to have an enlightened populace but we haven't achieved that so far nor are we likely to."

The unenlightened collective could not help itself... or they could not get out of their own way? The deference to the surrogates and the whole construct has always depended upon this "nor are we likely to" demeanor of the collective that is magically plied via meaningless gadgetry and divisive tomfoolery. "Oh those poor little peons... the uncleansed masses... let them eat cake... the silence of the lambs..."

Full circle... "you will always have varying opinions as to what is crap and what is really needed." 

While your attention was nicked by gadgets and divisive asshattery, your agency was burgled. "Limited choices" are what you are graciously proffered, i.e. idiot R(epublican) or moron D(emocrat) (democracy in action), and are an illusion of your "freedom and liberty". When taken to excess, they can cause satiated delusions of grandeur and largess. Fat, satiated and lazy sheep are all too easy to be led to slaughter. 

Mind you these exchanges are being monitored by the Bureau of Information, constantly. Entertained yet? Agitated yet? Are your belief systems axis slightly a kilter? Is your reality radar pinging like sonar? Yes, all very subjective, and designed to stir the pot and generate what if's... Along the lines of preponderances found here...

What if? Perhaps we collectively swap the superfluous gadgetry trade for implanting means of sustenance for the impoverished.  Might one freely give up their pursuit of happiness with a (fill in the blank) Ipod?... knowing that a few less MP3's listened to while rollerblading down the esplanade, helped to save countless lives.  Do you think? Maybe?

Again, its all relative and something to chew on...  The other day Kramer and I had a productive go round that went as follows...

Kramer: ""Once, there wasn't enough stuff to go around. Now there is enough stuff, but it is not getting around. That's a failure of what I call distributional technology, an inability to solve the problem of people starving because they have no access to available capacity.  It's all about how people suffer because bad people stand between them and relief.  (How do we change that?) Not without policy changes and paradigm shifts. It is the competency to make these happen - governance modes - that do not exist... the way to get the money where the mouths are remains to be discovered. If they did, we would see evidence of their effectiveness. The obstacles are prisoners' dilemmas, and the outcomes are tragedies of the commons. The distributional problems left to be solved are coordination games.... that whole dynamic is an exercise in rope-pushing. "

We Nattered: The competencies exist and the ways have been discovered and are already known. It is as you say, the governance modes, that do not exist. Why?

Is it those who are in control? Or is this is a matter of the unknown known, or cognitively what we do not like to know? The disavowed beliefs, suppositions and obscene practices we pretend not to know about, and shake our heads about, even though they form the background of our public value.

Ultimately, its a matter of choices and good luck making it happen. People will not make those choices, hard choices, unless forced to out of necessity.

Along those lines, another reader commented "On our present course we are heading for Totalitarianism with modern feudalism."

We Nattered: Too many fat, happy, tranquilized, satiated and lazy people to fight the Dukedom. Getting mad isn't within their comfort zone. It may be the end days for this Roman empire...

As Salmo Trutta and I often say to each other, let us go to Rome "and the great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more."

You are correct in that up till now, the whole dynamic would seem to be an exercise in futility i.e. pushing on a string. However, the "dynamic" is subject to change. TBD.

In closing...

So, AFT, Kramer and I all come to the "pushing on a string" conclusion in the terms used as follows: "Good luck",  "not likely" and "rope pushing".  

We collectively need to get over the cognitive dissonance and known unknown, and get what needs to be done, done. How clueless could we be and what the hell are we waiting for? 

Unfortunately, my IWatch (which has more computing power than a corporation 30 years ago) is signaling me that it's time for another episode of The Kardashians. Bruce Jenner, what the hell happened to the man on the Wheaties box?  Sign-o-da-times? Maybe Caitlyn has more balls than most?

Gotta hop in my hoopty (with ABS, air bags, phat sound system) and jet back to the crib, so I can see those bulbous buttocks streaming in full color through Wifi across my 60" HD LED big screen (that only cost $300).  Its just getting better all the time, isnt it? Priorities, I tell ya what is this world a comin to?
