A Euphemism For Genetic Experimentation? and The Chet Atkins Diet

Over at a financial forum... PirateInvestor commented,

"Jeffdoc-Can't believe you are suggesting the flu shot with only 15-30% efficacy. Avoid them like the plague. Made the big mistake of getting a pneumonia shot and was ill for two weeks. Said I'm supposed to get another one in a year, no thank you! My spouse got a flu shot years ago & I did my best to pass on the facts that the flu virus mutates so fast that the flu shots do nothing. Got one and was in bed for 10ays. Missed work, was totally miserable. Some of our friends landed in the hospital with pneumonia with in weeks of the shot. I'm very observant so missed the fun! However, the flu shots are great money makers for the drug companies!!"

We Natter... FLU immunization is a euphemism for genetic experimentation. Never had one, get sick once every five to seven years.  And despite its prevalence somehow managed to never contract megalovirus (mono, pneumonia or chickenpox) either.   And in the rare event I do catch a cold, those who have caught it from me, regret it.  My little 1 day affair with a runny nose virus, knocks them down in severe fashion, including weight loss, severe vomiting and a week or more out of action.. Funny thing is, after catching one from me, they seem to be more resistant to catching cold.  And now in an attempt to interject some humor, must be those Atkins Diet Antibodies I have developed over the years..  

No not Dr. Atkin's, the Chet Atkin's Diet.  Chet was a Country Western guitarist and singer that drank bourbon and at one point smoked cigarettes. Vasodilator + vasoconstrictor = vascular stasis with accelerated metabolism. Remember who survived the Andromeda Strain and what they had in common? This Atkin's diet eliminates blood stream lipids and fatty liver deposits while keeping the blood flowing fast.  Keeps you slim, and tastes great with a pleasant buzz. There's nothing quite like a healthy, wholesome cigarette with some nutritious Kentucky sour mash bourbon.  Nine out of ten doctors prefer the Atkin's diet, Chet's that is. Now back to your regular programming.
