The Lazy Mexican and A Rebel Flag

Following up on Blame The Indians and Immigrants. At a financial forum, I had Nattered about some ignorant commentary blaming immigrants.  Needless to say, some more clueless commentary followed to which I just had to Natter back...

Sorry, I'm of a mind again...

"In the old day we were a melting pot of assimilation, now liberals want a tossed salad and assimilation is racist."

We are a melting pot, but not of assimilation.

Assimilation: We're a very tolerant society, but if you don't behave like us, you can go back to where you bloody came from.  Orwellian, racist and deserving of a Rebel flag.  More on that later.

What intelligent American's want...

Multiculturalism: Achieving the melting pot while preserving the cultural identities within a unified society. Creating unity through difference, holding that although a nation's subcultures are diverse, those subcultures share common values.

There is nothing wrong with ethnic neighborhood's by choice.  When I would visit Cleveland, I loved going down to little Hungary, Poland and Slovenia, chowin on some good food and washin it down with some great beer.

Bottom line: Standards and requirements for citizenship, resident aliens and non resident alien laborers should be very similar, for both those residing or working long term and or receiving assistance or subsidies.  Application of those requirements to native born Americans, might not be a bad thing either.  More on that later.

"There are still millions of those people who allegiance belongs to Mexico, who can't speak/read/write in english, and still on welfare since the 80s."

So, there are millions of people, from Mexico. Who in many cases risked death to crawl out of a third world banana republic.  Only to remain here for thirty years, with the singular goal of having great paying American welfare as their "better life", while learning and doing absolutely nothing.

As their ambition in life is to do nothing but watch futbol, Telenovelas on Univision and be on the dole?

But I thought they were here to take what would be great paying menial jobs from Americans? Which is it?  The generalization painted with broad strokes infers laziness, being un American and is an affront to all Hispanics.

Newsflash, down South, we have millions who for the most part are low rent, low life, meth, crack or roxy heads, sittin around all day watchin Jerry Springer, when they aren't stealin you blind to support their habit,  that do and learn nothing, cannot effectively speak or read the language, and are on the dole. Are these sterling examples of cracker hood and the welfare state not un American? So being Mexican is not a prerequisite to being a lazy welfare case or un American. Is it?

AND IF Mexican's as stated above actually existed, the Mexicans I know from South Central, who bust their asses, would kick those lazy pendejo's across the border for setting a bad example and as a service to ICE and CBP. You forget, because it brings down property values, nobody wants to live next to a lazy permanent welfare case.  That is, unless your in a trailer park in the South where the Rebel flags fly high and proud.  More on that later.

"Ever wonder why you see more mexican flags in southern states than american flags?"

For the same reason I might see more Italian flags in "Little Italy", or Chinese flags in Chinatown, or Japanese flags in Japantown, or Korean Flags in Koreatown, or Vietnamese flags in "Little Saigon", or Philippine flags in "Little Manila", or German flags in Germantown, do I really need to  explain further?

Now its my turn for STUPID questions: Ever wonder why you see more Rebel flags in Southern states than American flags?  Ever wonder what would happen if we put all those (generalized with broad strokes) lazy un American Rebel lovers, on boats and shipped them back to where their ancestors came from?  We might not have to put "intelligent Americans" in quotes marks anymore or refer to the phrase as an oxymoron? Nah, they would just be back on the other side of the river or lake with their long lost kin, sittin on a porch, playin a banjo and prayin for deliverance.

Judging from the diatribe and likes getting handed out in these parts, the above might be a generous assessment,   It's no wonder we are in such a world of hurt and that these niggardly types just can't seem to figure out why? From every angle and at every corner, they do nothing but blame everything and everyone else.  It must be bliss, to be in constant obliviousness, as they fail daily to stare down the real problem, by stopping and looking in a mirror.  Out.
