Bottoms Up! To GrinOn Industries

Over at a financial forum...

Advill: "Natte;   What a BEAUTIFUL product!, nice, simple, no future promises, just a single easy to adapt gadget..NICE!!,  a clear page, simple and easy and funny,  will try to contact them for Spain. Thanks"

Thank you for your affirmation, those posts one, two and three... (that reminds me of something... and here are the scientific results) about GrinOn Industries Bottoms Up beer dispensing system...

As I understand it, these are the wholesale territories already taken: US, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.  So Spain and Portugal is probably a go.

It wasn't just the testimonials , client list  or best practices study showing GrinOn's Bottoms Up outsold a traditional dispenser 2.5 to 1, with similar product (light beer) in the same floor location and equal number of taps, that impressed me.   It was this that made it a slam dunk...

Aside from: the rapid unattended fill up, leaving the bar tender to promote sales, engage customers and perform other tasks; the customer satisfaction generated by their not having to wait in long lines; and 98% keg yield vs 84% at best, I know from past business experience that more often keg yields average 75%.  This is confirmed as many Bottoms Up users report an average 25% gain in keg yield.

Now lets do the math, a half barrel 15.5 gal/1984oz/124 pint x 25% = 31 pints waste at $10 retail per pint = $310 gross sales revenue gain PER KEG.  So with your first 11 kegs sold, the 4 tap at $3400, would pay for itself with only spillage and disregarding the other benefits.
Regarding that sticky or what some might think crazy custom cup issue, in a bar you can buy the reusable pitchers and hard plastic cups.  So lets talk about venue or event where the cups MUST be disposable and readily on hand. The disposable 16-20 oz cups avg .35c, the LOGO cups with the advertising on the souvenir magnet are avg .50c.

1000 Plain 16oz PET cups are .05c; if you order in 20K lots then 0.025c  So 0.475c added expense per pint x 121.5 pints (98%) =  $57.71 added cup expense PER KEG.  How does that stack up with the $310 per keg gross sales revenue gain?  Considering only the spillage while disregarding the other benefits, you bank $252 per keg in revenue gain, 
So, if you do 1000 keg volume with Bottoms Up vs traditional, that would be $252K in net additional sales that normally would GO DOWN THE DRAIN, which is nothing to LOL about for any business owner.  In addition, with a four top, one bartender can pour as many beers as sixteen bartenders at individual taps, in one minute. So the operational efficiency and labor cost reduction potential is obvious.

But wait, it gets even better.  Outside of a television, web site, men's urinal or bathroom stall, where can I get someone's undivided attention and focus for any period of time?  How about every time they stare into the bottom of the glass they are imbibing from?  In some cases, adult beverages for hours on end?  And usually in an altered state, the happy customer then takes the souvenir magnet with your company logo or event promo, home to reside on their fridge door or reminder board until who knows when? The magnetism of it all...

Let's do it for a baseball game where the average pint costs $7... Imagine how many kegs get run through at a Mets or Yanks game? Assume average ball park with 40K capacity sold out, 20K are of legal age, some drink, some don't, average one beer per legal age person, i.e. 20K pints = 2500 gals per game or 160 half barrel kegs 15.5 gals.

For each half barrel keg 15.5 gals, the printed ad cup with magnet ad costs an additional 0.475c per cup x 121 pints or $57.71 added cup expense. This is already accounted for with 98% keg yield vs 75% or 31 pints recovered beer @ $7 each = $217 per keg minus cup expense $58, netting $160 in additional sales revenue per keg (after specialty cup costs are deducted).

160 kegs x $160 per keg additional sales, that means $25K for each game x 81 home games= over $2M per year in additional keg yield revenue alone.

Summing it all up, additional: advertising revenues, operational efficiencies with tangible bottom line profits and customer goodwill. This is as good as it gets... nothing short of pure genius and in my best Dickie V, BOTTOMS UP BABY!!
