How Do The Rich, Get Rich?

Quin: "the rich hoard money, thats how they got rich in the first place. "

We Nattered: False, you should know better.

Salmo - Re Quins comment: "Quins right"

The Nattering One mused.... You are partially right, yes the rich hoard money. Your anecdotal examples are just as valid as mine.... The majority of rich people I know, are either trust fund brats or inherited the money vis they got rich off the back of their progenitors aka old money. There is some new money, but most has been rolled over.

And yes, then they hoard it and any additional proceeds it may generate from generation to generation. With favorable estate and capital gain taxation, the annuity in perpetuity as it were. As most do not make their fortune the hard way, from the ground up, few and far between have come from the Horatio Alger school.

The mythical John Galts of the world, are already long dead and rolling over in their graves while we suffer the hip hop MTV ass clown "aristocracy" of Kardashian, Hilton and the Trump school of idiocy (net worth $4B). I won't leave out Hillary $31M net worth, $111M with Bill.

That is the status quo cesspool from which we must choose our leaders and why we are in a reality TV world of shit. I am sure, since these trust funders have as much in common with the 99% as an amoeba has with a homo sapien, that they will enact legislation in our best interests. And then they woke up...

BTW - Bernie Sanders net worth is $460K, less than half a million. Who can more relate to the common man? Still the figurehead is a whore in bed. For the blue bloods sake, the populace better not wake up and take umbrage as they should. Mindless sheeple indeed and they get the government they deserve.
