Captain Queeg?

Continuing on from Old Yellow Stains?, we muse in retrospect... 

The troll known as DKS showed up with his own acolyte or Sancho Panza, another ass clown albeit whose asshattery was not as vile but equally inane. But here is the real kicker...

I KNEW the DKS screen moniker rang a bell, went digging and found below in my SA PM Inbox...

I very much enjoyed your article "A Miracle On 34th Street". Your writing style smooths the digestion of some rather disturbing information, and eases the mind into a more lucid mode without initiating panic. Reality, facts, figures, and data too often become so entrenched in dry prose that the end result is like choking down an entire packet of crackers- - - with no milk! Thank you so much for your article, it was truly most helpful! DKS  - November 28, 2016 9:20am 
Should I have reacted like Sally Field?  Not so fast, and speaking of "panic" or "manic"... 

If one reads this trolls few comments, they will find a bit too much self entitlement in them for a person of his claimed "age" bracket and supposed maturity level. Also, he seems a bit manic for being so new on the scene? Perhaps his old ID was banned? 

As witnessed at the original post, after his comment, I called him out and bayoneted him. After taking his med's and coming to his senses, he backed awayBeing 60+, he should know where "Old Yellow Stains" came from, Mr Wouk. 
Yet, no mention of it in his online reply.  

One of my cogent commentators noted:  "I can see him rolling those ball bearings now that you mention it." viz. Captain Queeg, aka Ol' Yellow Stains.

I'll bet this DKS troll is the very thing he claims the problem is, a disaffected millennial from the self entitlement generation, who voted for Trump, lives in his parents garage and is on medication to control his manic anxiety.  Now go back and read his earlier PM to moi.

That anxiety which DKS attempts to control with meds, is why after reading my current missive, he flipped out and launched an unprovoked immature vitriolic troll attack. 

Much like those DKS idolizes, his sense of entitlement proceeds him as he has no deference, demeanor or comport.  Other than with the allure of money or in DKS own twisted fantasy reality, it is amply evident that there is NO WAY he ever led anyone, anywhere at anytime. 

If he was in any Navy, it might have been McHale's or an Old Navy outlet. Like I said, the only Army he's ever been in, is a Salvation Army  (and we don't mean to insult said Army.)

Dimes to doughnuts, there is a euphemism in this clip, that does NOT apply to him. Enjoy and stay tuned to the wavelength.

