A Classic Bias?

At our crypto currency missive BitCoin: The Thing? We commented regarding the greenbacks ubiquitous nature and the hegemony thereof... 
"All mediums of exchange outside of the US Dollar are pretenders. Want proof? When we dug up Saddam's scraggly ass, he wasn't hoarding Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Euros, RMB, Yen or Francs, just 7,500 crisp pictures of Ben Franklin."
An either ignorant or freshly scrubbed CFA potentate commented... 
"Well that proves it... classic U.S. bias."
We Nattered back...

In Saddam's case, would one flee across the globe with a credit card which could be cancelled, and traced? CM, cash money preferred, and which is the most convertible or liquid and widely accepted?

With 84% of global transactions using USD denomination, it's the grease that makes the global gears turn. And therein is the rub, "dollar" problems are global problems.

The fact that central bankers do not fathom the consequences of differentiation in "moneyness" and liquidity preference within the banking system, has led us to the current morass. Read some of my older monetary flow missives and Jeffrey P. Snider for further elaboration.

Ubiquity aside, this is why the word hegemony as we used it applies, again not biased. Although hegemony can be detrimental, bias is a matter of individual choice which never fails to be.

There is no bias here, just a fact of moneyness or liquidity preference.  More to come in More Classic Bias?, stay tuned, no flippin.
