Bathroom Businessman?

Once again it's "Flush it Thursday", "in the Toilet Thursday" or "Thursday's in the Loo"... 

In our last episode Father's Day Fulminations? our anti-odiferous friends at VIPOO demonstrated how some Father's Day celebrations might go?

This week, Kenan Thompson says let's face it: you're losing too much valuable time at work in the bathroom. So when nature calls, bring your work with you!

Texting, e-mailing, having phone conversations and conducting business in the bathroom? Really? Nothing is that important, so cut the crap, relax, sh*t back and enjoy.

SNL - Season 38 Episode 17 - aired April 6, 2013.  (NBC US Based Clip)


Salmo Trutta said…
Wouldn't take my side, right or not. The "Heisenberg" is buds with the owners of Seeking Alpha. I'm sick, and so cantankerous. There are 171 investment advisor services advertised on Seeking Alpha. Sometimes its right to "kiss ass", but it's not my nature. I dyed my hair green when my German principle told me to cut my hair in the 5th grade in 1965. It wasn't over my ears or eyebrows. Then he made me comb my hair backwards. I've been a rebel ever since.
Salmo Trutta said…
Look at "total checkable deposits", weekly NSA figure on the BOG's H.6 money stock release. The 2 week average is a lower low. It marks the 4th seasonal inflection point on 6/20/18. The FRB_NY's "trading desk" drives the economy by controlling legal reserves (but no one on the Fed's research staff studies RRRs.

This is obvious. See Bankrupt-u-Bernanke's reaction to the biggest, sharpest, decline in complicit reserves:

Some people think Feb 27, 2007 started across the ocean. "On Feb. 28, Bernanke told the House Budget Committee he could see no single factor that caused the market's pullback a day earlier".

In fact, it was home grown. It was the seventh biggest one-day point drop ever for the Dow. On a percentage basis, the Dow lost about 3.3 percent - its biggest one-day percentage loss since March 2003.
I didn't say stocks because the blog was about gold.

flow5 (2/26/07; 14:34:35MT - msg#: 152672)

Suckers Rally

If gold doesn't fall, then there's a new paradigm
Salmo Trutta said…
Hello, Hello, Anybody home, Think Marty McFly! Think!

On one hand, disclosing the truth will make the market discount my modeling. But on the other hand, not doing so could possibly be catastrophic.