Space Farce?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 
Some 43K retweets later, a small sampling of the memes that were spawned such as...

A farce in space?

Or a noisy little thing in space? Noise in space?  More to come in the educational section..
 Much less the Maltese, could the Millennium Falcon survive this crew?
Not what Woody intended?
Much less Buzz Lightyear?

Much less George Lucas? or Gru?
Much less Mel Brooks and John Candy?
Much less Reagan or Putin?
Much less Matt Groening, Philip J. Fry or Futurama?

Much less Ted Chiang or any ET or linguist during an Arrival?
And mercifully... much less NASA?
More to come in the educational section, In Space, No One Can Hear You Lie? Stay tuned, no flippin.
