Three Wise Men?

One can hire all the young and or cheap labor they want...  in the test of skill below, it only takes three old wise men to overcome 100 youths.

Following up on What's In A Name? Once again it's "Flush it Thursday"... and this week we are taking a major shift.

So please sh*t back and relax with week's offering... Three Wise Men? Join the bowel movement by sharing this story....

At the end of the day, good judgment is a product of experience, and most experience is gained through bad judgment.

One can have all the book smarts or street experience in the world. To be effective, said genius must be complimented by common sense, wisdom and insight.

To take it to the next level, wisdom is ability to achieve through common sense practical application of said judgment and life experience.  Further, insight is the ability to know the underlying truth.



Salmo Trutta saidā€¦
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