The Dichotomy

Cactus at Angry Bear posts up on how to treat Hacks. Contained therein are comments about people we run into in our everyday lives...

"some people are not capable of changing their beliefs. They are deluded. But, some people do not change their minds because they simply choose not to change their minds, or at least behave as if they do not."

And how the political effects of these people harm society as a whole... "Usually, not surprisingly, those policies go horribly, predictably wrong. And then we get a round of easily refutable nonsense defending those policies and their results."

We comment on this not so trivial yet common condition...

What Cactus refers to is one of the products of a brainwashed and desensitized sound bite society which is inhabited by a pack of rabid, spoiled quasi Nazi's who have a demonstrated dichotomy between conscience and authority.

This occurs when organizational entities and individuals have been "conditioned" to avoid taking ownership and accountability for their opinions, actions and the consequences thereof, through "plausible" and in some cases complete "delusional" deniability.

The root of this evil, and it is pure evil, comes from the well demonstrated tendency of humans to accede to "authority" or "group think" even to the point of performing acts which they themselves consider unethical or immoral.
