Market Observations 11/15/06

WEN, more broadbased followthrough to new closing high 12251. DJIA +34 on above avg volume with sterling internals.

All UP cept DJUA. Gold $623.5, crude under $59, Bonds DOWN, but TLT hit an 8.5 month high, the 30 yr broke 113 yesterday, if it goes to 115, watch out.

Attention: VIX at YTD low and the 10yr - 2yr spread is the
lowest since Dec 2000, tip o the hat to Mike Panzner & Barry Ritholtz.

Yesterdays large spike after 2:30PM was a stop loss getting triggered on $4B in eSPXmini contracts,
they ran for cover and it showed, tip o the hat to Barry Ritholtz's Big Picture.

All indices cept MID, SOXX, DJTA, DJUA, XOI & XAU made multi year or all time highs. Tommorrow: CPI, Dell & HP await, more happy "daze" news or a letdown?

SP500 hit 1401, could test 1405 on its way to 1430 or take a powder to 1388 beforehand?
