Odds & Ends

Which way is up? from Bloomberg: Stock sales by America’s corporate chieftains exceeded purchases last month by the widest margin since 1987… Executives…in aggregate sold $63.18 of shares for every $1 they bought in November.

Global warming? from AP: Spring blossoms are popping up all over the Austrian Alps. Geneva’s official chestnut tree has already sprouted leaves and flowers. And Swedes are still picking mushrooms.

The same question is on everyone's minds: Is winter in Europe going to be canceled this year? Green fields, not white slopes, have greeted visitors to some of Europe’s most popular ski resorts this week as December began with remarkably little snow.

Fed tightening? Repo agreements are how the FED quietly pumps liquidity directly into the market through 22 primary dealers. From Doug Nolad PrudentBear:

"Year-to-date, Fed Funds & Repo has ballooned $366 billion, or 24% annualized, to $2.371 Trillion, with a two-year gain of 42%."

42% repo increase in 2 years accompanied by all this Fed inflation rhetoric brings to mind, "white man speak with forked tongue"... or "a man with a briefcase can steal billions more than a man with a gun."
