More Spin City

Another dose of reality from Fleck's latest...

"bulls want to have it both ways: reacceleration and lower interest rates."

"Those who point out that housing is down, retail sales are rocky and the market is shaky are only stating facts. The real question is why so many experts are so optimistic."

"with Bubblevision and most major media outlets spewing nothing but happy endings, I feel it's important for folks to understand that all roads do not lead to nirvana."

"according to last week's Liscio Report, "in December, just 43% of the states in our survey met or exceeded their budget and withholding-tax collections, down from 80% in November."

"the bulls pretend that the inflation rate is some tiny number -- when anyone who has to write checks to pay bills knows that inflation is a real problem, even if the government is incapable of measuring it accurately."

There is a certain dichotomy to the bullish outlook on the street.

With the bond market rally and stock valuations at all time highs, the equities markets have been screaming lower interest rates to come.

But, if you believe in Goldilock's or that housing has bottomed and the economy is going to reaccelerate...

Then you can't believe that the Fed is going to lower rates, when in fact they would have to raise them to contain the inflation.
