More Mister Rogers Neighborhood

What do Ex fed heads ;MSN's Markman and the Nattering One have in common?

Unlike Parrot CEO's; we are in Mister Rogers Neighborhood... Jim Rodgers:

"Most of the European banks and Asian banks haven't taken a huge write-off yet. I suspect there are more write-offs to come in Europe and Asia.

I doubt that we're half way through the financial crisis. We certainly haven't hit the bottom as far as I'm concerned.

I expect a nice rally in the dollar, because so may have been bearish, including me. I have sold long-term U.S. government bonds.

If the same thing happens as it always happens in inflationary times, then rates are going much, much higher, especially long- term rates.

America is also a huge producer of agriculture and if I'm right about agriculture prices, which I think will go up a lot,

that's going to help America compared to those countries which don't have agriculture

Rogers' comments contradict those by CEO's of Wall Street investment banks and Treasury Secretary Hanky Paulson.
