Bob Lunchbox Writes

Bob Lunchbox writes...

I have been reading your posts for over a year now on a nearly daily basis.

I really appreciate all the work that you put in to try to inform us of what is really happening on the economic front.

Calculated Risk posted this week that we will reach 10 Trillion dollars in debt before "Dubbya" leaves office.

This 700 billion dollar bailout is enough money to pay for 58 years worth of oil at our current usage.

How can our country survive this much debt? How is the average Joe (or Bob) supposed to protect what little bit of assets that I have from investing for the last 15 years?

We Natter back...

Thanks for reading us Bob. Go here and here to see the scope of our legislative and executive folly.

See how the budgets of the Defense dept, the Treasury dept, Health and Human services and Social Security (which is NOT part of the general fund) dwarve all other budgets.

See how the current Republican administration (Democratic Congress the last two years) has raped and pillaged our country for the last eight years.

Oh and if you think for a minute that McCain or Obama is different, guess again. Obama has the crooks that ran Fannie into the ground working for him.

McCain is just a glorified Bush who still can't think for himself. Both meet the minimum requirement to hold office; they can read from a teleprompter.

I digress... FYI, The national debt does NOT consider the following:

1. IOU's for the insolvent social security system.

Thats right Bob, the money that is supossed to fund the system has already been spent on other pork and the guvmint borrows to make the monthly payments.

It's a warchest filled with worthless IOU's against which we borrow to make monthly payments. There is NO MONEY in the system. As such, it is already INSOLVENT.

2. the $5 Trillion in FNMA & FHLMC debt.

Just nationalized and that's 80% of all mortgages in the US.

3. the $700 billion bailout bill just passed.

Which allows the Treasury to buy UNLIMITED AMOUNTS of toxic debt from not just US but FOREIGN entities.

And further, $500 billion is what we spend on INTEREST for the debt ANNUALLY... and $700 billion is what we spend on imported foreign oil ANNUALLY.

Back to your question: How can our country survive this much debt?

Answer: It can't.

Question: How do you protect your assets?

Answer: You can't.

Why can't we or you? Because this is a systematic raping of the public by design.

The prepetraitors being the blueblooded ultra rich and their appointed government prostitutes.

The "management by crisis" and propaganda techniques employed are tried and true.

This is NOT government by the people or for the people, that is illusory...

it is for the rich and by the rich. Nothing more, nothing less.

For proof, all you need do is read your history of the rise and fall of any "democratic" society, ancient or modern.

In each and every case: the systemtic root of all evil: money; its worship and inevitable debt laden collapse into chaos of every single "empire".

The invisibile class or caste system is enforced by the amount of money you have or don't have.

The ultra rich are sworn to one thing; money, its acquisition and retention; at all costs.

All ideologies; political systems and religions are to be exploited for this single purpose.

This includes nationalistic and sovereign as well. Loyal to none; sworn to the money.

Bluebloods are like vampires; they don't really care where the next "meal" comes from; they will suck your carcass dry; toss it aside; and move on to the next victim.

When the general public wakes up and realizes that these "people" do not have their best interests at heart, we get the occasional "revolution".

Study the French and American for some recent examples. Regardless of revolution, the talking monkey's (human's) which are neither blessed nor divine in nature...

are creatures of habitual de-evolution and eventually devolve back into the same predicament, over and over again. But that is what the Bluebloods can bank on.

Fat and happy; satiated with some cash or assets and entertainment for the masses; the John Q. takes a dirt nap; allowing these vampires to rise and run amok.

The great experiment (America) is winding down, and for a glimpse of the future...

the Bluebloods clearly prefer the prison or Chinese model, slave labor with no rights.

Silly little monkeys, when will they learn? When will they learn?
