Happy Hanks Giving: Why We Need A New Sheriff

The big three CEO's arrived in DC on Gulfstream learjets and begged for $25 billion...

The three CEO's were asked to raise their hands if, in light of asking for government help, they were planning to fly back commercial, no hands went up.

Does anyone remember the 1979 bailout of Chrysler?

The CEO Lee Iacocca, an honorable patriot took a salary of $1, and stock options on a failed company.

Mr. Iacocca's success should be the yardstick for today's douche bag MBA CEO. Speaking of which...

Ex Goldman Sachs CEO Happy Hank Paulson sez the $500 billion in mortgage debt purchases are a "great investment for the taxpayer"...

because the government already stands behind Fannie and Freddie. With an additional $200 billion being spent on consumer, credit car, auto & student loans...

the Nattering one bemoans, this isn't like spitting into the wind, it's like spitting into a tidal wave.

In the "new raw deal" the total government commitment to ease credit to now at $8.5 trillion, with $3.17 trillion being used to date.

Margaret Carlson at Bloomberg explains in Nattering fashion, why we need a new sheriff in town. Excerpts follow:

There are Jeff Skillings by the dozens who have plundered their companies and who should be out in the cold if not in prison.

But they are still living large in their Manhattan penthouses and their oceanfront estates,

stocked with French Impressionist art and servants, traveling by chauffeured cars and private jet.

Paulson says this is no time to point fingers, to make the bailout “punitive and difficult.”

Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit, according to the company’s proxy statement, already has $162 million in his pocket, to preside over the ruin of the bank.

What the Treasury is getting now is a stake in a stinking pile of instruments no one can value much less wants to buy.

That pile was built by bankers in tailored suits out of Harvard Business School who saw that if they could inflate...

and obscure, the value of the mess, they could inflate the value of their bonuses.

AIG is the poster corporation of the unrepentant as it is now enjoying a bailout of its bailout...

having burnt through the first $80 billion in little more than a month. AIG executives went on a corporate retreat at a California oceanfront resort,

where private rooms for pets with silver water bowls filled with “Dog Perginon” go for $545 a night.

Maybe the new president will have more of a taste for justice than the current lawless idiot from Texas. And let’s hope he brings a sheriff to town

The Nattering One muses... Get me a black hood, I'll play executioneer for free.
