Only in America, The Raw Deal

So far, $7.7 Trillion in bailout pledges of taxpayer money for Greenspans & Paulsons Kids,

thats $24K for every man , woman and child in the US; and 9 times what has been spent so far on the Afghan & Iraqi war.

Who & How Much? The Fed $4.75 Trillion or 61%; the FDIC $1.4 Trillion or 20%; Congress & Treasury $890 billion or 11.5%.

This staggering amount would payoff half of all US mortgages, yet the greedy bastard banks are using the money to pay exec & director salary and make acquisitions.

The credit risk on the bogus collateral they are exchanging is staggering, marked to market the system is bankrupt.

The end result will be a sovereign credit disaster of epic proportions, which will sink the US into permanent debtorship.

These blue blood traitors have sold our countries future out from under us and screwed our children.

Bailouts? There should be public seizure of assets, prosecutions and executions. Only in America.
