Paradigm Shift? Digital Currency 11 - The Keynote

The LDS was bucking the trend as: the communications environment was changing virtually overnight;

Customers were requiring Electronic Commerce Systems; Internet business was burgeoning...

Mail volume was down 730 million pieces, and dropping;  In the last six years, LDS had lost $2 BILLION is 1st class mail business alone.

I was already helping to develop LDS customer service web presence, the .COM where they would sell postage,  and a priority parcel tracking system. 

The keynote of the presentation borrowed largely from Hammer and Champy's magnificent article which later became a manifesto: (Explosive Thinking;  Computerworld; 05/03/93; pg 123) and was as follows:
A company cannot re-engineer without changing the way it thinks about IT.  IT is an enabler for re-engineering.  Throwing technology at an existing business problem does not cause it to be re-engineered.  
Applying IT to BPR requires inductive reasoning.  That is the ability to recognize a powerful solution and then seek problems it might solve.  
The fundamental error that most companies commit when they look at technology is to view it through the lens of their existing processes.  They try to use new technological capabilities to enhance or streamline or improve what they are already doing.
Instead, they should be using technology to do things that are not being done already.

Reengineering The Corporation 1994

Reengineering The Corporation 2009 Revised

More to come.

Paradigm Shift? Digital Currency - Index
