A Zorrowful Exchange Part 1

From Bill Gross "Going to The Dogs"  Zorrow comments: "Debt represents hope for a more properous tomorro, faith that you will be paid back, and trust in legal systems. It is the only system that is proven to create a better future--its the only system that has ever existed according to all credible historic and anthropolgic data. If you can't live in the world you actually live in, you can always make up a mythology and post it on the internet."

We Natter back: "Debt... its the only system that has ever existed according to all credible historic and anthropolgic data." That may be, but this does not justify the rampant abuses (inversion, diversion, subversion, perversion) in the current system. Nothing lasts forever, change is inevitable and necessary.

"If you can't live in the world you actually live in, you can always make up a mythology and post it on the internet."

One need not throw in the towel and revert to fantasy to affect or effect change in the system. When faced with adversity, all organisms are faced with one of three possibilities: Terminate, do nothing. Migrate, run away, find more suitable surroundings and die another day. Mutate, change, adapt and survive.

"Debt represents hope for a more properous tomorro, faith that you will be paid back, and trust in legal systems."

Hope, faith and trust, sounds like Sunday School. Put them all in one hand and defecate in the other, see what you get first. Stinks doesn't it? Time to clean up and for some healthy mutation to occur. Do ya think? Time to leave your mark..."

Zorrow jabs: "I enjoy teasing out your rhetoric-its very fiery-but offers no alternatives. Talk radio stuff."

We uppercut: "but offers no alternatives." At least it's more than the defeatist hand full of stink (hope, faith, trust) your teasing offers.

"Talk radio stuff." I resemble that, get me on the air.

And follow through with a right cross: "And here's another way of looking at it, debt is borrowing against tomorrows income to consume today, in other words debt brings forward future income for the sake of current consumption. I for one can live in the world I actually live in, the here and now, without making up a mythology (living beyond my means) by taking on debt and pissing the future away for instant gratification today. Low rates encourage moral hazard in both lenders and borrowers, drive up asset prices, and benefit government (tax revenues) and the financial sector, while screwing savers and those on a fixed income. So, I and many others, have something else in mind for the debt pushers, and you would be right in assuming that I am signaling with my middle index finger, that they are "number 1".

So there's your alternative, as in debt is a matter of choice. Back to my radio show, the motoring public awaits... More to come in Part 2.
