A Zorrowful Exchange Part 3

Continuing from Part 2 - Once more unto the breach....

Zorrow:"Barry Rihltz debunks most of your critisism of the fed and CRA."

Again, off topic, irrelevant, another straw man. Better yet, get your facts straight, I've never criticized the CRA, only the Fed. In fact Mr. Ritholtz doesn't debunk my Fed criticism, he obviously CONFIRMS it in the missive you linked to:

"The 345 mortgage brokers that imploded were non-banks, not covered by the CRA legislation. I spent a year of my life researching and writing in painstaking details what the actual causes of the crisis were. I put together all of the moving parts as to what the actual causes were — and wrote them up in Bailout Nation, to wit: Irresponsibly ultra-low rates that led to a huge housing boom; a failure by the Fed to supervise non-bank lenders;"

Making my point, NFC's and non banks acting as financial intermediaries and the type 2 non GDP transactions they have facilitated.

And making it apparent you are completely out of your element, otherwise you wouldn't be mis-stating what I and Barry have both written. Do yourself a favor, get a real education and learn to spell or at least use word check.

Zorrow:"By the way when Barry posted that obnoxious attack on his critics, that's when I cancelled his newsletter; even though I generally find him a thoughtful guy."

The sense of entitlement generation we suffer from, suffered from over parenting. As with my diatribe herein, Mr. Ritzholtz's thoughtful and righteous answers to his critics and their sense of entitlement, did not suit your predilections. Big surprise there.

Zorrow: "You seem to borrow everything. All your replies have some intrnet reference attached to them."

The only pattern here is ... your predilections are predictable - and your comments are just the same old song, like a broken record, like a spoiled child who can't get their way. Sniff, sniff, what's that smell? Daylight burning and the odor of clueless troll coming directly from you. I'm done feeding the trolls. Shoo now you trolls. Shoo. More to come in Part 4.
