This Needs To Be Corrected

Mercenary Traders, A New Kind Of Feudalism, As Western Workers Lose Ground? had many comments...

Tin Lizzy commented: "The following link puts some numbers to the issue of teacher compensation where I live

Here is a quote from the article.

"At the five-year rate, an elementary teacher at the Waterloo Region District School Board is earning $66,893 and according to Johnson, that puts teachers at the 75th percentile — meaning only 25 per cent of Canadians earn more than them. At the 10-year rate, a teacher earns $88,759. 
I think teachers where I live are very well compensated. I do not think they are earning their wage if they cannot teach one of the three 'R's."

We are inspired to Nattering....

"an elementary teacher at the Waterloo Region District School Board is earning $66,893 "

An isolated pocket, setting an example we should all follow. IMHO.

"Nurses earn more early on in their careers, but teachers catch up and nurses earn $10,000 less once they have hit the top of their salary grid compared to teachers, he said."

I think this report and its author are dealing with a limited statistical set in order to give the teachers union a beat down... To put it into perspective with a wiff of reality... nurses in Sacramento, CA. make $70 an hour and are pushing for wage increases.  That's $147K US with no overtime.  Again, the middle class is vanishing. This needs to be corrected.

"It is clear teachers are very well compensated throughout their entire careers relative to similar persons in Ontario."

Perhaps, as they should be.  Seems every Canuck I run into is quite literate, actually intelligent and capable of free thinking, as opposed to 90% of Americans, would you rather have it the other way? I think not, eh?  But let me give you a taste...

More can identify two of the Seven Dwarfs than can identify two supreme court justices.

More can identify the Three Stooges than can name the three branches of government.
Over 50% under 30 years of age, cannot identify Iraq or Afghanistan on a map.
20% think their President is a Muslim.
55 % believe that the Founding Fathers established this country as a Christian nation in the Constitution.
25% don't believe in and less than 40% do believe in Darwins theory of evolution.
77% believe in angels.
And many still believe in witchcraft and wonder where the Sun goes at night... and finally...
25% still believe that the Sun, revolves around the Earth. Yes, read that one again, sad but true.

I could go on, but I digress... this needs to be corrected.

Just my 2 cents or centimes of a loonie...

Qualified teachers should be paid higher than Athletes and CEO's. But qualified is a relative term.  Many states require a Masters in Education to teach at any level.  I know many holders of said degree who are teaching and cannot figure their collective way out of a paper bag.  Not enough credit is given to life and real world OTJ experience.  This needs to be corrected.

I have often complained about paying for the breeders and their progeny,  due to lax parenthood, a lax educational system and the outlawing of corporal punishment, today's reprobates and tomorrows inmates, as I like to say.  In the day, there was nothing like Sister Mary Elephants ruler across the knuckles, a twist of the ear, or a good old fashion ass whooping in the gym to put one in line. Today's time outs and reasoning with infantile behavior is absolutely asinine and has led to the last two generations running wild in Dr. Spock fashion, leading to a completely out of control situation. This needs to be corrected.

That aside, I would imagine that it would be to everyone's benefit (even the childless by choice or otherwise) to have a generation of properly educated citizenry, rather than a pack of miscreants, reprobates and inmates. Do you think?  What price tag does one put on that?  This needs to be corrected.

With all the unemployed (degree holding, OTJ experience and senior citizens) that are on the sidelines due to blatant age discrimination, there is a wealth of knowledge laying fallow (been there, done that... the more things change, the more they stay the same). Why don't we utilize this valuable resource to properly school our entitlement generation reprobates?  This needs to be corrected.

Again, respect and the provision for natural growth are what lead to learning and the acquisition of knowledge. This is what the selfish know it all entitlement generation we suffer from sorely lack(ed) due to a combination of unimaginative schooling, overparenting and political tenure track professors. This needs to be corrected.

Three rejoinders to not structuring and funding the educational system from K through Graduate Level properly:

Stupid is as Stupid Does - Forrest Gump

You Can't Fix Stupid - Ron White
There are idiots, look around - Larry Summers

This needs to be corrected. Despite the attempts to dumb down, there are still some good teachers out there. Where's Delbert Grady or the Overlook caretaker when you need them?

More to come in Friggin in The Riggin.

Related and Must Reads:

New Age Old School Part 1

New Age Old School Part 2
