Most Honest POTUS Ever?

From a must read non partisan missive regarding "the condition of our condition", and how Donald Trump is the most honest US President of all time....
When I say that Trump is the most honest US president of all time, what I mean is that he has a unique gift for exposing the face of the empire for exactly what it is...
Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's Tuesdays With Trump... 

Following up on Twittiot Market? Regardless of your political leanings, whether you're blue, red, or just fed up with politicians, the MSM and their BS...

Our take on the linked missive? The Orwellian dystopia, and self entitled electorate which tacitly support it, (increasingly ignorant by design, lazy and selfish), have reared their ugly heads or collective cognitive dissonance once again.
"All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre...  as democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal."
Since Mencken's famous opinion (1920) and despite technological advances which bridge the gaps of time and distance, enabling candidates to communicate directly with voters everywhere... 
"the Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men...." 
hand in hand with...  
"Trump is a walking public service announcement that US presidents are liars. Which is the truth."
Paid liars, serving the American electorate for the last 100 years?... Moral of the story? We move toward a lofty ideal? The condition of our condition?
"The most aggressive anti-Trumpists have no interest in real change, they just want things to go back to the way they were before Trump, which is actually just wanting to go back to the conditions which gave rise to Trump."
Indeed, as the US electorate has been in a state of denial (about the empire and the dysfunctional "condition of its condition") for decades. American Presidents are liars, and so are the "whores" on the hill, or legislative branch. 

Its government by the represented (special interests, big money), and not for the people or by the people. That urban myth and fairy tale is long, long dead.  Yet, the people keep voting for bipartisan liars in the legislature and oval office, who then appoint bipartisan liars in the judiciary.

Stupid is as stupid does - Forrest Gump
You can't fix stupid, no pill for it - Ron White
There are idiots, look around - Larry Summers

All come to mind. Now here's a "proclaimed" democracy in action, since JFK was assassinated... these are the two best representative of X (330 currently) Million people that we could find, Ass Clown Con A or Insider Crook B? 

What's wrong with this picture? Point in fact, sadly it doesn't matter who gets elected as the figurehead in a dysfunctional and broken two party system, which is controlled at the legislative level.  

All bought and paid for by big money - a Texas Senate seat is worth $125M, a Georgia House seat only $48M.  In 2018, 35 Senate and 435 House seats were contested, the total spent on all congressional races = $5.7B/470 = $12M per seat.

A vote in 1980 for John Anderson or in 1992 for Ross Perot, were called wasted votes. Perhaps the level of socio economic disenfranchisement was not yet high enough to spawn populism?  In many cases, the more things change, the more they stay the same, and ye reap what ye sow.  Change? Let's see if there's some in this pocket... oh the other type?  

After a fitful night of battling bunched imported bed sheets (due to the wholesale outsourcing of the US textile industry to labor at the margin), shall we go do brunch at that new (AYCE) buffet?  

And if one does not understand what the above means, one did not bother to read the linked missive.  Much like the apathetic electorate, one need not wonder why "the condition of our condition" continues to worsen, as one gets their just desserts.

Recommended reading:

Donald Trump Is The Most Honest US President Of All Time


Salmo Trutta said…
You have a gift for comedy.