Do We Really Understand?

From a Naybob of AGW - Anthropogenic Global Warming...A Norwegian AGW believer currently in the Andes posts... 
"Climate activists get a bit aggressive when you present the case for other sources of climate change, yet the 50km/year move in magnetic north pole, the function of the geomagnetic shield as a screen protecting the Earth from the charged particles of the solar wind and cosmic rays that would otherwise strip away the upper atmosphere, including the ozone layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation, begs the question if natural phenomena are at work, enhancing or neutralizing the effects of anthropogenic global warming. Suppressed by the hype-crowd, but extremely interesting for those wishing to refresh the mind and learn. Some academic papers in this area originating in China have been suppressed, presumably  because of their military implications (speculation). Do we really understand nature, our planet, our sun, our galaxy, our universe sufficiently for living here?
An excellent question that is begged every day of our stewardship. And then an AGW doubting Thomas theorized of conspiracies...
By far the biggest PONZI scheme enacted on the people of the world.  This is a directive designed and written by the United Nations for the purpose of control and wealth distribution.  It draws the second biggest PONZI scheme by a factor of 1,000.  Y2K was the biggest stock pump and dump scheme ever though up.   Hmmmm..  both schemes pushed by Al Gore.  And how much has he made in his lifetime off these two events?
Nattering... Global warming and AGW is a UN ponzi scheme for control and wealth distribution?  On occasion we too indulge in a bit of "conspiracy theory". But really, as this AGW doubter has donned a tin foil hat, Jerry Fletcher much?  At the same time, the Naybob of AGW made some anecdotal observations (italicized)...

Have you enjoyed your extreme summer in Norway? I was there in early July.

Over the last 50 years, I have never seen the NW Alps snowless. Last 10 years the snowline has disappeared. Zermatt has 2.5M of snow at 4000M, nothing below except 30-40C temps and drought.

Escape to NE Cortina? No such luck as they are making fake snow in the Dolomites for several years now.

Flaming Baked Alaskan Moose - at 64.2008° N, 149.4937°

On July 7th, we thought of Alaska but our friends warned us it was 90F there, 20 to 30 degrees above average. All-time high temperature records were smashed as the average temperature in Anchorage during summer is normally in the mid-sixties. 

3 days after Flaming Baked Alaskan Moose... Gave up on the mountains and thought beach in Southern Italy?

However, July 10th on the beach in SOUTHERN Italy at 42.1920° N, 13.7289° E. our friends in Pescara were busy repairing their roofs after being pelted with orange size hail, a tornado and flood. 

There's no scientific doubt about anthropogenic global warming contribution.  Anyone who differs can visit and see. Should they still differ? As they stare down from the peaks, one can nudge their ignorant ass off for the starving wildlife below. A small service for the planet?  

The Norwegian AGW believer commented... 
I am in the Andes. I never doubt AGW. I am just fed up with the non-action of my generation and not seeing the necessary actions taken. However, the AGW crowd has turned it into an events business, and the sellers of fossil fuels and refined products are manipulating the media and WEF one of its principal channels. Natural cycles and phenomena are less published and inconvenient to the AGW promoters who range from the best of scientific research to the industry funded event organizers. I like to understand the System, not just part of it...
An excellent perspective, and how do we deal with the paralysis or "non action"? Orange size hail and Flamin Baked Alaskan Moose, does it get any better? Good times? What's next? Speaking of the aforementioned magnetic pole field movement...

Ever curious about how Mars surface became what it is now? Over eons, Mars molten core cooled and slowed rotation, diminishing its electro magnetic field. Without its' Van Allen belts to protect it, the solar wind took Mars atmosphere leaving a dead planet. Why anyone would think we could teraform an atmosphere on Mars is beyond comprehension. 

But we digress, instead of focusing on fantasies about colonizing other planets, in which we will just create another mess, we should prove our worthiness by cleaning up our act at home first.  Now how can we motivate AGW deniers aka Tin Foil Hat Jerry?
For those wishing to "refresh the mind and learn" with real science, not Tin Foil Hat Jerry parrot food aka pseudo science from a blog or social media... 

The 2018 State of The Climate report from the American Meteorological Society. The report was led by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Centers for Environmental Information and was based on contributions from more than 475 scientists from 57 countries.

There is no scientific doubt about global warming or the anthropogenic contribution.  And along those lines... despite being on the wrong side of the facts, pseudo science pukin Tin Foil Hat Jerry would not be denied regurgitation of his carbon industry funded parrot food.

More to come in Does Tin Foil Hat Jerry Understand? Stay tuned, no flippin.

To learn more, READ MORE. Our minds and planet are a terrible thing to waste.

Recommended Reading:

The Terrorists Have Struck?

Monkey See, Monkey Do?
Ye' Reap What Ye' Sow?
Carbon Capture and a Warming Plate?
The Clocks Ticking?
Tilt? Game Over?
That Map Is Melting?
One Polar Ice Cap - Neat Please?
