Tilt? Game Over?

Coming off of our previous Global Warming trend and Climate Change discussions, we recently reamed and tore a #1 rated radio show host, a new one in Irma: Lying to Us?  Part 1Part 2.  No Rush to judgment about a "hoax" on our part.

Over at a financial forum...

P - "Tilts/Naybob – Those tilts are 100,000 year cycles, they would never give you noticeable measurements like we're seeing now.  Yes, the earth was once lava and then then it had an ice age and then it warmed up but that is NOT what this is."
Indeed, and part and parcel of the conclusion in the discussion I pointed to (cited below). Proven science, axiomatic or as sure as sun/moon rising and setting every day, as long as the wheel in the sky keeps on turning...

Changes in planetary tilt, spin and orbit, all cause measurable, predictable and cyclical (over the long term) temperature changes.  800,000 years worth of ice core data demonstrates conclusive and noticeable measurements for those long term cycles.

That data demonstrates an increase in temperature causes CO2 levels to increase. In other words,  the resulting increases in CO2 are a cyclical and predictable product of temperature warming, and thus CO2 increases lag temperature.

I can hear the CC and GW deniers, viz. a certain #1 radio show host and his acolytes making a Rush to judgment, "AH-HA, see CO2 levels do not cause temperature increases".  An unscientific and bad assumption which is dead wrong in more ways than one.

Regarding the modern day measurements we are observing... Compared to 800,000 years worth of ice core measurements, CO2 levels have elevated in an abnormal, exponential and sudden fashion. What changed or is different this time out? Volcanic, lunar or solar factors?

None of the above, excepting the human factor, or the introduction and addition of anthropogenic CO2 into the current warming cycle.  Other than BS science, there isn't any way to explain the deviations from 800K yrs of data away.

Plain and simple, we are coming out of an ice age and are in a natural warming cycle. Human CO2 emissions have tipped that natural cycle out of equilibrium, resulting in the current elevated anomalous data, temperatures and resulting weather conditions.  

For the doubting Thomas, of which there are way too many, there are rules of nature. Talking monkeys should not micturate in their garden, put out a fire with gasoline or defecate where they eat.

Inobservance of the rules of nature, leads to self inflicted suffering and over the long term, a well deserved culling and eventual extinction of said species, and Out.

To learn more, READ MORE, our minds and planet are a terrible thing to waste.

Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM); find Leland Palmer's comments.
CO2 lags temperature – what does it mean?  Interesting discussions re:
800K years of ice cores, deuterium traces, does CO2 lag temperature? And if it does, does this mean CO2 is not responsible for GW?  or is that an incorrect assumption?
Paleo-Climatology Ice Core Data (deuterium, CO2, temperature)
