COVID19: Same Bat Time?

Following up on some initial observations in 2019 nCOV - Pleased To Meet You? and the viral cult-ural theme presented in IBM: Fumbling In The Extreme? and Boeing: Business As Usual?...
Taking a deep post rant breath... [the cult-ural ignorance and cognitive dissonance] makes nCov19 or Coronavirus which has been renamed Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) - look secondary in nature, now don't you feel safer?
Along those lines, as the old joke based on some ugly truths goes...
"I never go to hospitals, that’s where all the sick people are."  
Moving West... both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV were believed to originate in bats, and these infections were transmitted directly to humans from market civets and dromedary camels, respectively. 

Bat Soup?  A video used out of context attempted to fan racist flames viz COVID19 came from Chinese people eating bats at the fresh food market???  The video was not shot in China, but Palau where Bats are a delicacy as opposed to Wuhan, where they are NOT.

Get real? COVID19 had begun to spread weeks before the Wuhan fresh food market outbreak, with more than a third of the earliest cases having no connection with the market. 

First Rule Of COVID19 Club? Regarding "weaponized bioagents" which could have escaped from a lab ala Captain Trips, involves a now deleted Research Gate paper which mention of bought Tyler Durden aka Zerohedge a Twitter ban.

Second Rule Of COVID19 Club? A woman in Zhejiang ate around 1.5kg (3.3 pounds - 16 bulbs) of garlic over two weeks. She ended up needing hospital treatment after it inflamed her throat to the point where she could no longer speak.

Can't TOUCH this? A woman in Anhui sprayed so much rubbing alcohol on her clothes that when she went to the kitchen to check on food she was cooking two minutes later, it caused an explosion that left her with serious burns on her face and hands. 

The Nattering One muses...Pick your poison? Spanish Flu, Ebola, Zika, Sars, Mers? Well? - a state of mind, health and deep subject?  Fact is this isn't the first Wuhan viral goat roping, try the USS Arkansa in 1996...
An outbreak of influenza A (H3N2) occurred aboard a U.S. Navy ship in February 1996, despite 95% of the crew's having been appropriately vaccinated. With an attack rate of 42%... isolates submitted to CDC were antigenically characterized as A/Wuhan/359/95-like... Virus isolated from ill crew members was antigenicly distinct from the vaccination strain. 
Despite appropriate vaccination... viruses can and do mutate and spread.  For example, influenza is a highly contagious virus transmitted by the respiratory route by inhalation of aerosols as well as by direct contact with animate or inanimate objects, which can spread rapidly in confined populations viz persons in semi-closed or crowded environments.

Please bare in mind that influenza and coronavirus (COVID19) are similar but different viral animals.  As to the latter, the latest tally according to the interactive dashboard at Johns Hopkins CSSE...

Updated as of: 2/25/2020, 10:13:05 AM EST

Total Confirmed: 80,248  = 100.0%

Total Recovered: 27,768  =   34.6%
Total Deaths:         2,704  =    3.3%

Which equates to 62.1% TBD and as far as MSM advertised numbers and bats fly... Who ya gonna trust? 

Speaking of festive carnivals, bats in tights, pangolins, panic-demics and spreading the "wealth"... 
More to come in COVID19: Same Bat Channel? and thus our apropos titles? We think...

Stay tuned, no flippin.

Recommended Reading:
2019 nCOV - Pleased To Meet You?
Coronavirus: desperate times... desperate measures - SCMP
CDC Covid 19 Monitoring
A/Wuhan/359/95 influenza research database - 115 Wuhan Strains
Flu Trackers Covid 19 Forum
Covid 19 Genome Announcement
