Of Oversight's & Hack's

From Angry Bear regarding Congressional Oversight or the lack thereof in the current administration. We could not agree more with Kash's accurate assessment, and we proffer that there is no accountability in big business or government.

I think that three key ingredients have combined to stengthen this phenomenon:

The same party is in control of both the executive and legislative branches of government;

That party has a strong, centralized leadership to which the rank-and-file defer;

The leadership of that party has often seemed to be more concerned with party loyalty than with ensuring a well-functioning government.

Put these together, and you've created an environment in which government incompetence is allowed to fester and spread, with no fear of accountability.

From Brad DeLong's Why is the Right So Angry? and we could not have said it any better. Ok, we will try, If it walks, talks and looks like a hack, it probably is.

It's not that Bush has "made himself look like the dumb, parochial, cronyist hack that his enemies have always said he was." It's that Bush has made it impossible to deny with a straight face that he is the dumb, parochial, cronyist hack that people who have looked closely have always known he was.
