Market Soapbox 0514/07

MON, split tape, DJIA +21 on low volume with poor internals. All DOWN cept DJUA, XOI.

Bonds down, 10 yr yield +2 bps 4.69, $ down vs 1.3544E & up vs 120.355Y, WTI crude up $62.46, gold down $670.1

Over the last two weeks, some magic numbers with magnetism... RUT 830, SOXX 500-505, SP500 1510, NDX 1905.

Today, SP500 1505 to 1510 to 1498 to 1503. SOXX & RUT also tip-toeing about the number while NDX slid to 1888.

GM & CAT kept the DJIA up 27 for 32.... and on a parallel with 1989 Nikkei 225: the DJIA is now 34 for 44....

Fleck concurs in his latest missive that its a
See No Evil Market

"Wall Street seems to have a huge paper shredder at its disposal. Stock bulls have kept it working overtime,

as they feed in whatever "offending" facts threaten their Goldilocks -- not too strong, not too weak, but just right -- scenario.

The Nattering One reminds ...."Never underestmate the power of denial" - Ricky Fitts - American Beauty... especially where "group think" is concerned.

Tues before the bell, WalMart, then CPI & Housing Index. Wen Building Permits, Housing Starts, Industrial Production with HP reporting.

The upper end of SP500 1520-1530 is still the next target on short covering by FRI options expiration, perhaps even 1533.

Often wrong, but never in doubt, this is the Nattering Naybob and your not!
