$135 Million Fresh Prince

From the NY Times: Hala Ranch, is a 95-acre estate built in 1991 for the family of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former ambassador to the United States from Saudi Arabia and the home’s only (occasional) occupant.
At $135 million, Hala, just northwest of downtown Aspen, is the most expensive single-family residential property in the nation on the market.
Lets see now, this is the same Prince Bandar whom allegedly accepted $2 Billion in bribes from a british arms manufacturer while operating as a deniable arm of the CIA in covert operations around the world.
For someone of the Prince's stature, $135 Million is monthly petty cash, allowance money for his children or a spousal shopping spree.
Makes one wonder what the Prince knows and why he's really selling. The Nattering One muses that perhaps the Prince tires of quail hunting with VP Dick Cheney.