Waking Up From A Stupor

U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken in Oregon, ruling in a case of an attorney wrongly accused in the 2004 Madrid terrorist bombings that killed 191 people...

ruled that portions of the anti-terrorism USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional because they allow searches and surveillance without a showing that a crime probably was committed.

For over 200 years, this nation had adhered to the rule of law -- with unparalleled success.

A shift to a nation based on extra-constitutional authority is prohibited, as well as ill-advised

Brandon Mayfield, an Aloha, Oregon, lawyer whose fingerprints were wrongly matched to those lifted from a plastic bag containing detonators found near the Madrid train bombing.

Mayfield's home and office were searched and his computer and files were seized. He was arrested and imprisoned for 15 days in May 2004.

Mayfield settled a lawsuit against the U.S. in November for $2 million and received an apology from the government.

Neo Con White House spokesman Tony Fratto: "
We believe the Patriot Act is constitutional.

It's given our law enforcement community and the international community the tools necessary to find individuals who would harm Americans and our interests

Yea, just like the wrongly accused attorney and those "evil doers" interned at Guantanamo Bay and other Federal or
overseas CIA Secret Prisons.

The Nattering One muses... Yo, Tone, of course illegal search & seizure and indefinite detention without cause should be legal...

Hell, I'd like to see it just like in the 1985 movie BRAZIL, were government SWAT agents saw a hole in the ceiling...

and rappel down ropes to "bag, tag and drag" an innocent man off to interrogation, torture & detention as a suppossed "terrorist"...

all based on a clerical error from the "Ministry of Information" (Homeland Security).

Anyone who has not seen Terry Gilliams
chillingly accurate 1985 prediction of the future, really should.

The similarities to yesterday's "War on Drugs" and today's "War on Terrorism" are disarming and alarming.

I digress, Joseph Stalin erradicated his competition, and all communist, fascist & nazi dictatorships have maintained "power through fear" in this manner.

But weren't we a democracy at some point in time? That's right, just before the coup d'etat in the 2000 election rigging or was it just before the rise of...

the fanatical pack of hypocrits that believe in an omnipotent invisibile man who has lived forever in the sky, AKA the religious right?

Since taxation without representation has become popular, the government by the people and for the people no longer exists...

and, the pursuit of happiness was outlawed by litigious NIMBY's. So logically, religious persecution should be next on the list.

Some "Christians" regard the belief that after death they will be issued with wings and a harp, and walk on clouds.

Some "Muslims" believe in an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 virgins, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby.

What these two pack of imbeciles do not have in common, is beyond me. These people that believe in their "invisible friend"...

and its not an 8 foot tall rabbit named "Harvey"; obviously suffer from a mental disease or defect.

Large groups of people suffering from delusional psychosis are a clear and present danger to the American way of life, much like lepers or terrorists.

Perhaps they should be rounded up without cause, interrogated and detained indefinitely.

Of course, all in the interest of keeping America safe from the "evil doers", right?

As Nattered before, Rove's boyz make Nixon's group look like choir boys. On 01/20/09 it will truly be "The End of an ERROR".

Unfortunately, the damage inflicted and its fallout will persist for decades to come.

The case is Brandon Mayfield v John Ashcroft, 04-1427, U.S. District Court, District of Oregon (Portland). Hat tip to Karen Gullo at Bloomberg.
