It's Getting Better? 4 - 2014

As Ye Sow So Shall Ye Reap

We bid adieu to Mr. Peabody and Sherman and take a hard look in Part IV & V, at some of the end products of what we discussed in Parts I, II and III.

What can be worse than the living proof that, the end justifies the means? Its a sound byte, stressed out, medicated, quick fix society, with little time for the intimacy, communication, attention to detail and care that used to be a part of today's so called "family values".

This has led to some genuinely poor role models and horrible parenting. The new generation has been; saturated with technological gadgetry and revisionist pablum.

Reared in "daycare dumpsters"; educated in a system geared to failure (i.e. "no child left behind"), and totally lacking in any form of discipline or corporal punishment. The words respect, deference, demeanor and consideration are not in the vernacular.

They have been emotionally anesthetized through a deluge of graphically violent video games; mad slasher films; and television wars. All of which debase the value of human life and the consequences of taking one.

Needful things, poorly parented; under educated, emotionally anesthetized, medicated and then left to their own devices, what kind of results would one expect?

The spawn has been three generations with an ever increasing incidence of whining, needy and selfish miscreants. We have gone from us, to I (inner), to me, me, me.

Some of these codependent, hip-hoppin, reprobate clones have little respect or appreciation for what transpired prior to their arrival on this planet, much less their fellow man.

But don't blame the kids, blame the parents. Its their fault for letting it happen.

Keeping Up With The Jone's

Think about it, as we learned in Parts I, II & III, today in most area's, two wage earners work almost twice as many man hours, to earn a smidge more than the singular 1960's wage earner.

In the case of a car or a home, those wages buy a third or one eighth of what they used to. It's getting better all the time, isn't it? Not for everyone, and only for a select few.

According to a study by the Economic Policy Institute, a research group that promotes workers' rights, in 1965, it took a CEO two weeks to earn an average worker's annual pay or 25 to 1; in 2005 it took just over one day or 262 to 1.

The AFL-CIO says last year's average pay for S&P 500 CEOs was $11.7 million; workers, $35239 or 331 to 1.  It took six hours for the CEO to earn an average workers annual pay.

Almost 50 years and the time it took a CEO to earn an average workers annual salary has been reduced from two weeks (80 hours) to 6 hours.

Thats over a 1000 percent or ten fold increase in CEO pay during the same period in which the average stiffs wages remained actually declined. 

Strange how the CEO's had no problem keeping up with the Jone's eh?

More to come in It's Getting Better V?

Overhauled & Updated from 05/12/2005 for 2014.

It's Getting Better? 1 - 2014
It's Getting Better? 2 - 2014
It's Getting Better? 3 - 2014
It's Getting Better? 4 - 2014
It's Getting Better? 5- 2014


Anonymous saidā€¦
I would like to read the blog, but the type size is simply too small. Please do not take offense, I simply thought you should know.

Mr. Naybob saidā€¦

I sympathize, with a 15" LCD and glasses, I too have problems with some web sites.

On the Internet Explorer top level menu bar, pull down the VIEW menu, scroll to TEXT SIZE, click on LARGEST. This is how I have mine set.

Please try this and let me know.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Here's an entire website about so-called "daycare dumpsters"...